Snacking may have a bad reputation but it is actually a great way to add extra nutrients to your diet and prevent overeating at mealtimes. According to research, snacking now contributes to up to 30% of our daily caloric intake. With snacking providing more than 1/4 of the day’s calories, choosing healthy options are necessary! In order to snack healthier, plan ahead. These 3 snack recipes that are not only healthy but can also boost your performance, whether it be at work or at school!

Cashew Date Balls
These sweet date balls are both easy to make and portable. The dates in the recipe provide a healthy dose of carbohydrates to energise you. It also contains fibre. When combined with the fats and protein from both the cashew and peanut butter, it slows down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing a sugar rush. Try out this recipe to fend off the onset of the dreaded afternoon slump and prevent overeating at your next meal!
- 1 cup of cashew
- 1 cup dates of your choice
- 1 tbsp natural peanut butter (or any nut butter)
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 2 tbsp cacao (or good quality cocoa)
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional)
Prep time: 10-15 mins Prepares: 18 – 20 balls
- Add cashews into blender or food processor and blend until they crumb.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth.
- With wet hands, roll the mixture in balls.
- Place it in the fridge to chill for 1 hour to set.

Garlic Sesame Edamame
This snack is perfect for those who prefer savoury bites. The recipe is both low-fat and high -protein, thanks to the star of the dish – Edamame. Edamame beans are low glycemic, which means they are slowly digested and absorbed. This causes a slower and lower rise in blood sugar, providing energy for a longer period of time. They also contain folate and antioxidants which are essential for better brain function. Try out this easy recipe for improved performance!
- 1 package frozen edamame, (shelled or not, your preference)
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 3 large cloves garlic, grated or pressed
- 1- 2 tsp Sea salt
- 1 Red chili, sliced (to taste)
Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 10 mins
- Cook frozen edamame in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, depending on the instructions on the packet.
- While water is boiling, heat sesame oil in another pan. Add the garlic and chili when it’s hot.
- Stir fry until aromatic then add the cooked edamame.
- Place on a plate and season with salt.

GoodMorning Whole Grain Beverages
GoodMorning Whole Grain Beverages contain up to 8.8g of dietary fibre per serving. Fibre helps you feel fuller for longer periods; this can help prevent you from reaching for that salty and greasy snack when you’re hungry! Each drink contains 18 grains, including coarse rice, red rice and corn grifts – providing the brain with it favourite form of energy – glucose.
It also includes almonds, flaxseed and a variety of beans which provide magnesium, zinc, antioxidants and folates – all of which contribute to improved brain function. The drinks also contain Lutein, a mineral that absorbs blue light, which prevents free radical damage from staring at the computer screen for too long. No more sore eyes!
With 4 different flavours to suit your taste preference and health needs, these beverages make the perfect snack for those on the go and don’t have the time to plan. The only planning you need is to bring a sachet!
- 1 sachet of GoodMorning Whole Grain Beverage (25g)
- 150-200 ml of warm water
Prep time: 1 min
- Add 150 ml to 200 ml of warm water into a bottle or your mug
- Empty the sachet and shake!
Enjoy and share these three recipes for a smarter, healthier snacking experience!