I used to be a building contractor, and now I am an online salesman. I have been working in this field for about a year, I have to be in front of my smartphone and computer screen for a long time to finish my work. When I stare at the screen for a long time, it really makes my eyes tired and dry. These symptoms bothered me for a long time until I found GoodMorning Gsure and I have 2 tablespoons of GSure and 2 tablespoons of VGrains with oatmeal for breakfast and dinner. After some time, I found that my vision has improved. When I look at the screen for a long time, It would not be as hard as before, the symptoms of eye fatigue and dryness are also not as frequent as before. Therefore, I recommend GSure and VGrains to those who have been working on digital screens for a long time.
Besides, I am also a runner, I have been running for over 30 years. And now, I am also a marathon runner, and I consistently run 10km everyday. With my condition, I was looking for high protein products to maintain my leg muslces and keep them solid. Until I found GoodMorning GSure, it is high in protein and CaHMB. I drink GSure on a daily basis to maintain my muscle mass.