适逢马中建交 50 周年,晨旭之美集团很荣幸获得《南洋商报》颁发 “2024年马中华彰品牌奖” 。



In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations, GoodMorning Group is deeply honored to receive the 2024 Malaysia-China Superb Brand Award presented by Nanyang Siang Pau.

This recognition is a testament to our Group’s relentless efforts and inspires us to further strengthen economic and trade collaboration between Malaysia and China, foster advancements in biotechnology, and establish a robust foundation for our expansion into the Greater China market.

We sincerely thank the award presenters: Deputy Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah bin Haji Yusof (represented by the Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture Malaysia, YB Dato’ Sri Tiong King Sing), Chairman of Media Chinese International Limited (MCIL), Mdm. Tiong Choon, and Nanyang Siang Pau for their acknowledgment and unwavering support!